Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Another damn birthday...

Oh yes....my Birthday.  It was yesterday.  I took the day off.  Slept in.  Ate Chuy's with my parents and one sister.  Graded papers.  Relaxed.  Wait....I graded papers?  Yes.  I did.  That is what happens when you procrastinate and not grade them during the week.  You get homework on your birthday.  I digress....

Yes. It was my birthday yesterday.  I turned 37.  37?!?  Really?!?!  Wow...where has the time gone?  I thought for fun I would look back on the "7" years of my life.  Let's start with 7.

It is 1986.  I am in the first grade.  We are just a family of 4, my little sis wasn't born yet.  My best friends are Jennie and Sarah.  I got glasses...boo.  I am a huge nerd.  Honestly...that is all I remember!

It is 1996.  I am a junior. 17.  I play French Horn in the band.  I am still a nerd.  I have a huge crush on our French Horn marching band guy instructor.  I have not yet been on a date or had my first kiss.  (I am a huge nerd remember?)  My best friends are Julie and Amy (Sarah and Jennie moved away...but I am still in contact with them sometimes).  I remember being a rebellion and leaving the church I grew up in!  I was bullied at church and hated going there.  But I loved God so knew I still needed to go.  I got the balls to leave that year and attend a church where I knew kids I went to school with and where I was not made fun of.  God...those girls were bitches!

It is 2006.  I am 27.  I am newly married.  I am a homeowner.  I just made the move down to 5th grade and I am loving it!  Mary Ann and Carrie are amazing teammates!  These kids are my people!!  I am still a new teacher...this is only my 4th year.  My Grandma and Papa are still alive and still live at the farm.  Sarah, Keith and Jodi are my best friends.  Life is good.  I have so many dreams about my future at this time.  I am really happy.

It is 2016.  I am 37.  I am divorced.  I am no longer a homeowner.  I am in my 14th year as a teacher.  I am happy.  I am not where I thought I would be though when I look back at my 7, 17, 27 year old selves.  But I am happy.  Not sure where God is wanting me in this crazy life.  I wonder where I will be at 47, 57, 67, etc.?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I choose happiness

2016 is still going strong!  I am working on my resolutions.  There has been no puking.  Healthier changes have been made...eating better, walking a lot.  A shit ton lot.  And I am still working on remembering I am worthy of happiness.  That one is the hardest...and I know I am still in January and resolutions are easy now, but I am liking the way I am feeling so I really want to continue this trend!

I get asked all the time how I keep so happy.  How I keep a smile on my face and a positive attitude.  First off, I am glad I come off that way.  I don't always feel happy so knowing that I portray it at least is good.  I came across this quote from Liz Taylor, who had her share of heartache.

This quote says it all!  I just do it.  I will not let it get to me.  I go about living.  The past molds us to make us who we are, but it does not define us.  I refuse to have a poor me attitude.  I know at times I can, but I don't want to be looked at that way.  I don't want to be pitied.  I don't want to be looked at as a sad woman.  I want to live!  I want to see the world, I want to be out in the sun, I want to love and be loved.  This is living.  I can't do these things if I am not happy.  RuPaul (whom I adore...love my drag queens) says is best, "If you can't love yourself, then how the hell you gonna love someone else?"  

So, I've been promising cruise details for a while...First of all.  I miss being on that boat every single day! And those beaches?!?!  I am ready to go back....and maybe I will this summer!  The cruise was amazing.  I totally relaxed and had a blast with my friends.  We saw so much!  Iguanas, monkeys and beaches oh my in Roatan.  Climbed the Mayan Pyramids in Belize.  And got a lap dance in Mexico!  All while flirting with young men...yikes...and suave men from New Zealand.  Great memories that I will cherish forever!  If you can go on a cruise, I highly recommend it!  It is the way to travel!

I will leave you with another Liz Taylor quote...

Sounds good to me!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year Resolutions?

I can honestly say....thank God that 2015 is over.  I celebrated bringing in the new year with old friends and new.  And by puking my guts out.  Yep...again.

I have had a few puke moments in 2015....okay a lot of them.  Some were alcohol induced.  Some were stressed induced.  Some were actually a bad stomach bug induced or mono induced.  But puking has been a big part of my 2015.  And I do not like to puke.  At all.

My number one resolution for 2016....no puking.  To do this....I know my limits.  I know what my body can handle and not handle.  I need to keep it with what I can handle.  Now I know I could sick, but that leads to resolution number 2...be more healthy.  Yes I would like to lose weight in 2016, but more importantly I want to be healthy.  Back to the basics...fitness and healthy eating...most of the time.  And number 3 resolution....remember that I am worthy of happiness.  2015 took a lot of my joy away.  I had to slowly find it again.  I think I am really getting there.  Friends, family and God have helped me find my joy again.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.  Many of you who read this blog are my dear friends and family.  You too have gone through ups and downs in 2015 and I know you are ready for new beginnings just as I am.  I hope your 2016 is full of love and happiness.  Let's celebrate it every day together!